Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New Recipe, Old Habit

Recipe for xxxxxxxx:

1 empty glass beer bottle (with cap)
12 ounces unleaded gasoline
1 campfire


Slowly pour gasoline into the bottle,
ensure you are a reasonably safe
distance from the already burning
campfire, otherwise you will become
the human torch.  Using the bottle
cap, place it upon the refilled
bottle and carefully crimp the cap
back on top.  Then, using a sharp
object pierce a hole in the center
of the bottle cap, and, wipe the
bottle to ensure gasoline vapor
has safely evaporated from the bottle.
Finally, place it in your camp
fire and stand back.  Reasonably safe
distances should be determined as the
torch begins and grows like a flame
thrower from the top of the bottle.

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