Sunday, April 14, 2013

Drunk Acrostic

Because is a perfectly good word to start a sentence with
and not just because I want too, but
Eventually after drinking I begin to think
            and speak in subordinate clauses, but always
End my subordinate clause with a comma
            then finish with the sentences main clause.
Ready for another round?
Now I’m speaking in fragments…


  1. Because is a perfectly good conjunction to connect ideas,to indicate cause and effect

    Eventually, after drinking, I begin to think
    and speak in subordinate clauses, but always

    End my subordinate clause with a comma then finish with the sentences main clause.

    Realize this… I better quit drinking to clear my thinking so these sentences stop stinking of insubordinate clauses!
    In my delusional grandeur of imbibed distortion...I just realized what is a subordinate claus?????

    just an elf.
