Sunday, March 31, 2013

Post-holing Through April

I've decided to resuscitate this blog.  If only for the month of April.  It's been a rough winter.  I'm glad to see spring (though I'll miss the snow). I'm challenging myself to write a poem a day, for the whole month of April.

I don't claim to be a poet, so I'll call this blog series Post-holing Through April.  The original image I had in mind when I created this blog in Homer was of the great porcupine caribou herd migrations of northern Alaska and north-western Canada.  Sharing a moment with a species endlessly doing something they generationally always do, is powerful.  This time of year it is no easy task.  Anyone that has every butchered a caribou, or skinned a caribou leg, knows the toughest, most calloused hide is from the caribou's knee to ankle.  In their several thousand mile journey caribou must post-hole, or plunge, through crusty, deep spring snow day after day.  This is no easy task, and likewise, writing a poem a day is no easy task- but it is my goal, just as the caribou trudge along to the northern calving grounds, to make every attempt to publish a meaningful, well thought piece, daily.  Cheers.

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