"For all the modern banter about America being a Christian nation, there is not, nor can there be a nation that follows the actual teachings of Jesus Christ. It would have no army, no police, and no one would own property."
From a review of Armstrong's latest book, Fields of Blood, by John Coats in Consequence Magazine.
“Somehow, we have to find ways of doing what religion—at its best—has done for centuries: build a sense of global community, cultivate a sense of reverence and ‘equanimity’ for all, and take responsibility for the suffering we see in the world. We are all, religious and secular alike, responsible for the current predicament of the world…The scapegoat ritual was an attempt to sever the community’s relationship with its misdeeds; it cannot be a solution for us today.”
From a review of Armstrong's latest book, Fields of Blood, by John Coats in Consequence Magazine.
“Somehow, we have to find ways of doing what religion—at its best—has done for centuries: build a sense of global community, cultivate a sense of reverence and ‘equanimity’ for all, and take responsibility for the suffering we see in the world. We are all, religious and secular alike, responsible for the current predicament of the world…The scapegoat ritual was an attempt to sever the community’s relationship with its misdeeds; it cannot be a solution for us today.”